Provider Digital
Color Palette
Primary Actionable
Green should be used only for items that are actionable (i.e., Links, Buttons). #008378 is used for text on a white background whereas #006F60 is used on grey background.
RGB: 0, 131, 120
RGB: 0, 111, 96
RGB: 102, 161, 55
Primary Unactionable
Text that is not actionable should rely on grescale color. Test within the design should use #454545 as default. Text that is not as important can use #6C6C6C. Some items that are to be highlighted may use #78C339.
RGB: 69, 69, 69
RGB: 108, 108, 108
RGB: 120, 197, 57
The overal aesthetic of the design relies on light use of grey to keep the mood simple and easy to focus on the primary content of the site.
RGB: 204,204, 204
RGB: 221, 221, 221
RGB: 246, 246, 246